Home / Projects / Aplok Guns Addon | v1.1.5

Aplok Guns Addon | v1.1.5

Project · March 23, 2022 · by Gabriel Aplok

Updated: August 15, 2024

Survival-friendly military-themed add-on with vanilla styled and beautiful guns, satisfying effects, various animations, explosives, custom armor and blocks, and various details that make the difference.


Do you like high-quality military-themed addons and have the best features? If yes, you’re in the right place.

Aplok Guns is an add-on for Minecraft Bedrock that adds vanilla styled military-themed content, the models are something close to something Minecraft would make.



  • 🎲 Minecraft vanilla stylized.
  • πŸ”ˆ Satisfying sound effects.
  • πŸ‘€ Smooth animations.
  • ⚑ Beautiful and optimized effects such as muzzle flashes, explosions, lights, bullets solid and water impacts etc.
  • πŸ’₯ Innovative features, with systems never seen before in Minecraft Bedrock.
  • πŸ‘ Survival-friendly with everything craftable.
  • πŸ”Š Reverb and distant sound effects.
  • πŸ§ͺ Optimized for low-end devices.

How to Make Guns

You can make your own gun using the Gun Workbench with the materials needed for your gun, you can see the recipes in the recipe book on the sidebar.

Gun Workbench Preview
Gun Workbench Guide

How to Make Ammo

Use the Ammo Workbench to make your mags, you will need Gunmetal ingot and Gunpowder to make a 2 mags.

Ammo Workbench Block
Ammo Workbench UI

How to Use Attachments

To use the attachments you will have to use the Attachment Workbench, to open the menu just click on the block with the gun you are going to change in your hand, and have the attachment blueprints in your inventory to change your gun attachments.

Attachments Workbench Block
Attachments Workbench UI

How to Reload

You can reload empty guns by having the magazine in your inventory and clicking interact button like eat food (right-click-button) or sneaking + attacking (sneak+left-click-button).

How to Make Gunmetal?

You use the crafting table to create your Gunmetal Scrap to make Gunmetal Ingot.

Gunmetal Scrap Recipes

You use the crafting table to create your Gunmetal Ingot with Gunmetal Scrap to make Gun parts and Attachments.

Gunmetal Ingot Recipes


Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot
Gun Screenshot


Armor Screenshot


Blocks Screenshot


Open the .mcpack with Minecraft and automatically import or extract and copy manually the folder to behavior and resources in the respective Minecraft folders.

Changelog for v1.1.5

You can access other previous changelogs here.

- Improved performance in bullets.
- Fixed nametags to always display.
- Fixed a typo in the death message.
- Fixed camera shake in grenade impacts.


You don't need to download them all, they are both the same file, just choose one of the links, bstlar, lootlabs or linkvertise

Download from LootLabs

Behavior Pack Resource Pack

Download from BstLar

Behavior Pack Resource Pack

Download from Linkvertise

Behavior Pack Resource Pack

Supported Versions

1.21.50 1.21.51